samedi 16 janvier 2010

for the English readers of my blog

:Since prehistoric ages, because of ignorance, humanity depended on mythology to realize spiritual facts; ( Buddha, Confucius, Sinoueh, Ereshigel, Hammurabi, Moses ...)The HOMO race having become intellectually sure of some scientific truths wants scientific views about Faith in Spirit, we must now undig TRUTH out of its mythological envelope to meet Christ who came , 2000 years ago, to live with human beings to tell them of REAL Spirit and give them Sacraments, spiritual gifts in matter.Christian Baptism is essential for the thinking animals to become, fully, alive as children of God. After so many prehistoriic ages of ignorance, let's welcome the new possibilities spiritual life gives io human beings.
Tke paper has a latin title because it is written in four languages; it only costs 10Euros and will be sent free of charge to all persons asking for it by mail to
Title ; CR.responsum dat rogationibus Duns Scoti, primi inter pares, de Genesi this means
CR answers the question Duns Scot, first among his pairs, put about the Book of Genesis

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