jeudi 30 octobre 2014


le 25 octobre 2014 j'ai envoye au Cardinal-prefet de la S.C. pour la Doctrine de la Foi un document bilingue anglais-français de 10 pages pour demander officiellement de la part des laïcs chretiens la mise au rebut du dogme du peche originel. Cet extrait des premieres pages de la Genese a contamine l'enseignement du Christ.
C'est un BEAU poeme mais tres antique et PAIEN qui n'a rien à faire dans la religion actuelle reçue du CHRISTlui-meme.
Ceux d'entre vous qui souhaiteraient recevoir ce texte peuvent me le demander par mail à l'adresse suivante
Veuillez specifier  quelle est votre langue preferee
Bon WE de la Toussaint CR

lundi 13 octobre 2014

pour les curieux de JUSTICE

L'affaire BOUCHAUD-de Ramaix au TGI de Grenoble a été mise en "dormition" car le Conseil d'Etat a ete saisi sur les BASES de cette action en Justice commencee il y a 3 ans.
Pour que le retrait de vente effectue pas Mme de Ramaix ne soit pas pris en compte les Bouchaud ont demande à la Dame Skorski , secretaire du Notaire Edouard Ruchon d'affirmer en usurpant (sans mandat de la part de Mme de R.) l'identite du "Vendeur" et en affirmant que la somme promise avait bien ete empochee par elle. Le Notaire a valide ce FAUX que le TGI s'est empresse de ratifier en assignant le Vendeur à quitter son Bien. Un JUGEMENT officiel a ete prononce et le Vendeur declare expulsable. Mme de Ramaix a donc signale au Vice-President du Conseil d'Etat la nocivite de la loi actuelle sur les ventes de Biens Immobiliers qui INVITE les Notaires à la malhonnetete et enchaine les Tribunaux à encourager le VOL, car un ou des Juge(s) ont donne à des citoyens k'autorisation de PRENDRE POSSESSION du Bien d'autrui sans le payer.
Il faut que ce genre de  "justice" devienne impossible à pratiquer à l'avenir et que cette Loi scelerate soit amendee.
NB Moi, le Vendeur, je n'ai pas eu la preuve que le cheque qu'on m'a montre de loin le 3/6/2011 a ete remis au Notaire Edouard Ruchon, non present lors de la signature du compromis. Je PENSE que la Dame Skorski l'a reçu de Mme Bouchaud en recompense de sa signature usurpee à mon detriment.

FROM THIS DAY ON... the sin against SPIRIT

Cecile de Ramaix   Auteur-éditeur  Membre de la Selyre  89 rue Montgolfier
69006 LYON  tel.: 04 78 93 79 57 et 09 64 37 67 23
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for information :French being my mother-tongue on Sept 24,2014 I sent Pope Francis a reminder of my preceeding warning about religious teachings in 2014, they have become very different from what Jesus Christ tried to make humanity understand about spirituality and REAL religion.

This drift very evidently happened because Peter, the first Pope and his early followers did not NOTICE they had themselves obliged the first Christians to adopt heathen poetry for the WORD of GOD.
When Moses wrote the Book of Genesis,  humanity already existed since long ages and his fictious Adam was just literature. To have made a "dogma" out of this poem introduced heathen ideas in the teachings of Jesus.
The RELIGION now taught by the Catholic Church is not the one Jesus came from Heaven to teach us, the  "catholic" teachings are a mix-up of heathen and Christian notions so well "churned together" that human beings just swallow the soup!

Now that humanity KNOWS scientifically that Adam was NOT the one and only  "father" of the human race it is no more possible to oblige our contemporaries to accept ORIGINAL  SIN, it had always been a very "mad" concept because no offspring can be held responsible for an ancestror's deeds , but it could explain heredity, so was more or less accepted.
The so-called Christian religious teachings don't appeal to actual scientific brains.
Because they are so "infected" by heathen left-overs. Especially original sin.
Please, my Lords and Most Reverends, remind Pope Francis of the promise Jesus gave Peter (Matt.XVIII,18) that all he would UNBIND would be unbound in Heaven. It is high time to do so now.
It was no sin two thousand years ago to "see" Adam as the handmade Pinocchio of Jehovah, now that we have become more educated it would be a SIN against SPIRIT to continue such uncouth traditions. Such nonsense makes intellectual brains loathe the "god" who so-called inspires it. That "dogma" makes the REAL GOD obey Beelzebub and such a "religion"can not be considered monotheistic. It also pretends God had HIS  SON  killed for the sake of a few naked monkeys. And  makes MURDER the ground-base of Faith!
Those heathen ideas must be erased out of actual religious teachings.
It has become extremely URGENT, much more so than the punishing of a few pedophilic priests.
Teachers must teach Truth, if their teachings demur to sin, their learning must be adjusted to History. No more heathen literature must remain "dogmatic" in RELIGIOUS; CHRISTian doctrines. Religion is NOT political, it must not consider statistics and numbers, it was brought from Heaven to Earth, by Jesus, to ENLIGHTEN material beings about SPIRIT and to invite the human beings to meet GOD.

From now on, to persist in reviving  Ancient Jewish literature will become a SIN against Spirit and never be forgiven. (See Matt.XII, 31) This is a WARNING.

Please, Dear Sirs, take this request in serious consideration and accept my very respectful regards.
the author of "Un stylo Bic pour Dieu" Cecile de Ramaix   10/5/14