dimanche 27 juin 2010

Moses K.O. by the Big Bang

from Cecile de Ramaix
adresse de vacances : La Chabannerie 38970 La Salette Fallavaux tél. 04 76 30 15 84
to                                                                        Son Eminence le Cardinal S. RYLKO
                                                                        Prefecf of the S. C. pour les Laïcs
                                                                        Palazzo San Calisto
                                                                         00120  Città Del Vaticano ROME  ITALIE
June 27 2010
Your Eminence,
After having prayed Our Lady, morning and evening, during many years, asking Her to help the Church to put a stop to the fleeing away of intellectuals towards atheism, I've decided to publish, next September, a booklet entitled :
Moses K.O. by the Big BANG  - Le B.B. met K.O. Moïse
Would you please read this extract of the English text ?
Next month, during a stay in Lyons, I shall send the French text to the Pope at Castel Gandolfo.
The "materialists" are becoming  dangerous because they teach youths in their universities, it is very important that Rome taketh positive steps against loss of Faith, not just imposing Tradition, it is not efficacious in our "scientific" times.
I remain very respectfully yours
included pages  17 to 30 of mentioned book
if you, dear Readers want to get those same pages now just send me two international stamps and your postal address and I will send them to you  have a good weekCR

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